Radiant Cosmetics: Kiss Slavery Goodbye

January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month and Radiant Cosmetics is excited introduce the "Kiss Slavery Goodbye"
campaign. I've had the pleasure of assisting on this campaign, and they have a lot planned for this month to continue to live up to
the company mission of ending human trafficking.
Radiant Cosmetics invites you to join them this month in raising critical awareness and
educating those who still don't know that slavery is in their own
backyard. This year, they are honored to include an extra special touch. For every lipstick purchased, Radiant will donate a lipstick on your behalf to a survivor or current victim of trafficking.
Lipsticks will be donated to an Austin-based non-profit, Redeemed, in
addition to another incredible organization in Brazil focused on
fighting human trafficking in the beauty industry, The Trade.
Radiant Cosmetics would love your help spreading the word about whether that's through
purchasing a lipstick, posting a picture on Instagram, tweeting (hashtag: #KissSlaveryGoodbye), or
updating your Facebook or Twitter status and/or cover photo.
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